Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Everybody should see this!

Please do me a favor and take the time out of your day to watch these...and spread the word!

WARNING: the Falluja videos contain extremely crude images!

THANKS to ArcoIris TV and CoolStreaming.it IPTV

Falluja - The Hidden Massacre (in Italian, English and Arabic!)
(The .asf file seems to be working the best)

Falluja - The Day After
(RealPlayer DSL) (RealPlayer 56k)
(WindowsMediaPlayer DSL) (WindowsMediaPlayer 56k)

September 11th - Four Years Later
(RealPlayer DSL) (RealPlayer 56k)
(WindowsMediaPlayer DSL) (WindowsMediaPlayer 56k)

Twin Towers - Passive Collapses, or Controlled Demolitions?
(RealPlayer DSL) (RealPlayer 56k)
(WindowsMediaPlayer DSL) (WindowsMediaPlayer 56k)

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