Sunday, December 21, 2008

puerto viejo de talamanca (costa rica).

Yesterday I got back on the mainland, then back into Costa Rica and eventually made it here, a nice little beach town on the Atlantic, with plenty of surfing spots, reggae music and international cuisine...even a few restaurants owned by everything is a little more expensive of course (prices rise where the gringos arrive!), but it's also nice to find all sorts of goodies at the supermarket! It seems like a big party place, so I am glad my hostel is nice and new, but most importantly quiet! We also have free Internet, so how could I complain??!
Yesterday I checked out the town, the various beaches, took another dip in the Atlantic, spotted some surfers going about their routine, and even a few impromptu soccer games on the beach. All in all, as with most places I visit, I wish I had more time to soak in the atmosphere and fully relax and enjoy it...but I don't!
So I am leaving again, in a few hours, to go meet my brother, my one and only brother, in San Jose...unfortunately we're going to have to spend the night there (although luckily the hostel should have all sorts of amenities) before taking off tomorrow to go hike the Cerro Chirripo'...should be fun!

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